Ok so I epically failed at this whole blog thing.. to my defense though, our internet has not been working for the past few weeks. I actually leave tomorrow which is bizarre.
Its crazy to think that my life here is ending, but I feel as though my purpose here is done. So many of my prayer requests have been answered in ways that I never imagined. I would love to tell the stories to anyone who shall listen! :)
It has been an amazing summer though, and God has really worked through our lives down here, and also the childrens lives. I can leave them in peace knowing that they will be taken care of by the school volunteers. I know that they will receive the love they need, so that really warms my heart :)I will miss them like crazy and ten bucks says that I will cry a ton.
I would love to tell of all the good things God has done down here, please ask away when we talk sometime!
God bless :)