So this part really only makes sense to a few people, but it is the verses that I shall be going through this summer. We are going to be helping the kids memorize verses, which coincidentally I had to memorize as a child in bible drill. So after looking at them, it seemed fitting to go though them and look at them deeper, even possibly memorizing them along the way. We shall see how this goes :)
1) Genesis 1:31
God saw all that He had made, and it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning, the sixth day.
Good :) God saw the earth and that it was good. To me this points out that well the earth was originally good. Humans were to ones who ruined it. This also gives hope, because if it was originally good through God, then He can return it to its former goodness. I think this also applies to people, because we are apart of Gods creation and He said we are good. To me this means there is hope for humanity. There is hope that through Him, we can be good and whole yet once again. Its not something that comes about on our own will, because just like we have messed up the earth, we have messed up our lives. Let Him guide and He will restore. I don't think it's easy, but it is simple.