Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Thats how you say hello in Pterodactyl.
Its also an instant way to make almost twenty new best friends, when used at the right times it causes instant giggles and brings back wonderful memories.
These past three days we had training for all Georgia Summer Missionaries, and about twenty college kids from all over the nation bonded over our love of God, but also a few pterodactyl noises and some silly stories. To sum up the past few days: Wonderful, God is good.
We had numerous session over leadership, teamwork, and practical information. It was wonderful to hear from so many adults who actually had a passion for serving the Lord.
My favorite part of the whole time was the bonding. Although most of us came from rather different backgrounds, it was amazing to see how we all got along and had an amazing time.
The most exciting part was most defiantly finding out that we have a fourth teammate. Miss Macie :) I am so excited because Courtney, Macie and I got along really really well. It is going to be amazing to get to serve, giggle, and grow together this summer. We decided that Lyndsie will fit right in even though none of us have met her. In fact we now all have nicknames, Court, Sparkles, Cait, and Dav. We not sure how Lyndsie is going to appreciate the name Dav...
God is really at work preparing us all for service this summer. Ms. Alice told us of area volunteers who will come along side us. God is preparing something big, something larger than I can really imagine. He is molding our hearts to be ready for his service, something that became very apparent during training.
Please be in prayer for our team, and what we shall be doing. I am so nervous/excited/ready to be used by God. Please pray that our hearts will be ready to be used by our wonderful Maker.


  1. pterodactyl? really love? hahah. So glad you got along with your teammates! You guys will have a blast this summer. You're in my prayers, love!
