Thursday, June 10, 2010

2 Corinthians 12:10

Its only a few more days and I can see God moving. These past few weeks God has been opening my eyes to what it means to walk in His Kingdom.
His Kingdom is full of His joy, but also deep sorrow. It means viewing people as He views them. HE is opening my eyes to see, but also calling my heart to act.
But it is hard. Walking in the kingdom for me, means going beyond normal comfort and being O.K. with living differently. Saying yes, even to talking to some stranger, is hard.
I am currently learning just how radically God wants us to live, and how little I measure up. When I am weak, then I AM strong :)
Please be praying for everyone going down to Savannah. God is going to do a good work down there, and I pray that nothing hinders us from walking in His Kingdom. As I read in a book, Same Kind of Different as Me, it said "When you become precious to God, then you become important to the devil." I pray that we will not allow any hint of the devil to get in our path. Please pray more importantly that we can become precious to our Great God.


  1. boosh. very good quote. but don't forget thatMatthew 16:18 says that the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church. Your are the church homie! Knock down those gates!

  2. Okay, so that quote reminds me (ever so vaguely) of this other quote I love: "Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning the Devil says, 'Oh crap, she's up!'"

    Love you! :)
